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"I don't think I have any perspective or balance," says Terry Francona. "People have asked me before and I don't think I have any. I'm not sure any coach has."

The Cleveland Indians Manager is talking to At Home With Leaders about balancing the needs of a team with your personal needs.

"Every year it gets harder. I come home and it takes me longer to recharge," adds Francona, who has also expressed his gratitude to the Indians for fulfilling their duty of care with such commitment when he took ill earlier this year.

He is recovering well and there seems little doubt that Francona will recharge long before Spring Training and likely far sooner given his hunger and enthusiasm throughout this chat.

Francona, now three decades into a coaching career that has taken in two World Series triumphs in Boston, spoke in a similarly honest vein when discussing:

- The Indians' efforts preparing coaching staff in newer roles in uncertain times [14:00];

- Managing the expectations of players [24:30];

- Risk-taking and creativity on an MLB field [28:00];

- Players speaking up on social issues [31:00];

- Staying fresh and continuing to evolve as a manager [33:30].

Steve Gera: TwitterLinkedIn

Matthew Stone: TwitterLinkedIn

Further listening:

At Home With Leaders - Alex Goode

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