In today’s show, Chris interviews Rebecca Friese, Managing Partner, Flyn Consulting, and author of the recently-released The Good Culture: The Leader's Guide to Creating a Workplace That Doesn't Suck

We start this show with Rebecca sharing her interesting backstory.

Born and raised in Illinois, Rebecca chose Penn State to complete her college education. She made the most of this experience, and in this segment, she talks a great deal about how extra-curricular activities can truly set you up for success. 

After graduation, Rebecca worked as a consultant with Anderson Consulting and Accenture. 

In this next segment of the show, Rachel regales listeners by sharing her experiences and then talks a great deal about workplace culture and some of the issues that are plaguing us today.

Reluctance to give and accept constructive feedback is one of the main things that we talk about in today’s show. 

When organizations are singularly focused on revenues and profits, workplace culture issues are often relegated to the backseat. 

After all, if the consulting dollars are flowing in, why would you rock your ship by pulling up your “star consultant”?

But, are we really protecting our employees but not having this conversation? On the contrary, Rachel shares why we are, in fact, doing them the biggest disservice.

The innate need for people to work with purpose, autonomy, and mastery is another important theme that we talk about today.

As humans, we have an innate need to grow, develop, and continuously better ourselves. Can you expect to retain a gifted and hard-working employee if the workplace is devoid of the above three factors?

On a positive note, we talk about how our empathetic side has been brought to the fore in the wake of COVID.

We are sure you will enjoy today’s animated discussion. 


What You Will Learn In This Show

How to give and receive constructive feedback
How covid has brought our empathetic side to the fore at the workplace
How happy, engaged, and connected people leads to a highly productive and effective work-force
And so much more…


Flyn Consulting

Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time

Radical Candor: Fully Revised & Updated Edition: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity

The Weekly Coaching Conversation (New Edition): A Business Fable About Taking Your Team’s Performance and Your Career to the Next Level

Student Works 

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