Today’s show is a special one as we have some of our top operators joining us to discuss the power of accountability, integrity, and a clean and healthy environment.

Maddie, a student from the University of Western Ontario grew her first business by 300%. Adam just graduated from the program after doing well over a quarter-million dollars worth of business. And John, our top operator from the West Coast did $750,000 worth of business last year.

These are only some of the exceptional individuals who in their early twenties handled multiple crews and tens of clients while overcoming some of the biggest challenges.

The virus outbreak, disgruntled suppliers, angsty clients, demanding school schedules…our top Student Work operators have managed to put up a stellar show inspite of all this.

So, what is their “secret sauce”? The reason behind their incredible feat?

“What shows up in one area of life shows up in another area of life.”

In today’s show, some of our top operators share how being a part of the Student Work ecosphere allowed them to lean on proven structures – which eventually resulted in accountability and unflinching integrity. 


What You Will Learn In This Show

The power of accountability, integrity, and a clean and healthy environment.
How cultivating structures and good habits can help you 
How a Student Works experience allows you to hone critical and foundational skillsets
And so much more...



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