Today’s show is a special one as Mitchell Beinhaker slides into the interviewer’s seat and quizzes Chris about his business and passion, Student Works. 

Student Works has a unique business model/ entrepreneurial program for high school students and college students where they can learn critical business skills at an extremely young age.

When eighteen-year old’s get the opportunity to run a large painting business, they can learn the entire gamut of skills ranging from hiring the right employee to financial management to production.  

We start this show with Chris sharing how his association with Student Works started 35 years back. Back then, the business was known as “Student Painters”. Over the years, the business has evolved into a management program that attracts some of the best and the brightest who wish to develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

So, how do Chris and the Student Works team ensure the success of their student painters? In this segment of the show, Chris first gives us a peek into the rigorous recruitment process. 

Listeners will learn about some important attributes that ensure the success of students in the program. While this program is not for everybody, if you are the right fit, you can learn critical entrepreneurial skillsets that you would have otherwise learned at a far more advanced stage in your career.

In this segment of the show, you will also learn about the extensive training and mentorship that Student Works provides – and how they go all out to ensure your success.

Under Chris’s leadership, Student Works has managed to carve out a unique position in a highly commoditized industry. 

While on the face of it, Student Works may seem like just another painting contractor, the reality is that their “people-centric” business model is focused on creating the leaders and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

Tune in to this inspiring show now! 

What You Will Learn In This Show

Interesting details about Student Work’s unique entrepreneurial program
How signing up for the Student Work’s program can allow high school students and college student to learn critical business skills at a very young age
Do you have it in you to become a successful student painter?
Why staying committed is the ONE thing that can help you find success
And so much more…


Student Works 

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