In today’s show, Chris interviews Nicholas Wiktorcyzk, Co-founder & CEO, Spently

We start this show with Nicholas sharing some of the biggest frustrations that he had as a teenager. How did he get started at Student Works? And, did his Student Works stint help him eliminate these frustrations? Nicholas shares how Student Works laid the foundation for an arduous but rewarding entrepreneurial journey.

After Student Works, Nicholas worked for a bit at Lululemon. This segment of the show is really interesting as listeners will get a peek into the amazing and inspiring culture of Lululemon. Nicholas shares how Chip Wilson, the founder mentored and incredibly coached him out the company to start his business, Spently.

The next segment of the show is all about Spently. Spently is an app for Shopify that helps ecommerce merchants use their transactional emails (e-receipts, shipping confirmations +)  to drive repeat sales and build a better customer experience.  Nicholas regales listeners with some interesting anecdotes about how he started his business with just $8,000. We have a particularly interesting discussion about how businesses are gravitating from Amazon to Shopify.

Nicholas also shares some interesting information about his other business, Monte & Coe. 

We wrap up this show by sharing some great nuggets for aspiring and new entrepreneurs. Nicholas shares some of the biggest mistakes that he has made as an entrepreneur.  What did Nicholas have to change about himself as he went from being a college student to a value creator? What are some key habits that make Nicholas tick? Nicholas shares the many sacrifices he had to make to fulfill his entrepreneurial dreams. You will also learn the importance of riding out the lows with grit and persistence. 

Tune in for some excellent nuggets!




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