In today’s show, Chris interviews Michael Fleming, District manager, Milwaukee Tools. Michael shares some of the most important learnings from his successes and failures and reveals some crucial attributes that have enabled him to quickly rise through the ranks at one of the largest employers in Canada.

This show starts with Michael recalling his life before Student Works. A quiet kid, Michael was frustrated with his lack of independence and poor earnings from menial jobs. Perhaps, this is what encouraged him to join the Student Works program. 

Next, Michael shares some of the biggest lessons that he learned during his Student Works stint. This program, he reveals, gave him the confidence to set big, hairy, audacious goals (BHAG). He also attributes his hustle to the Student Works program.

After Student Works, Michael did not taste success right away. He admits that his 2 years at Enterprise-Rent-Car and 6 months at EMCO were far more satisfactory. In this segment of the show, listeners are reminded that the road to success is sometimes laden with humbling but learning experiences.

After EMCO, Michael got an opportunity to work as a sales representative with Milwaukee Tools, his current employer. In the past six years, Michael has been awarded four promotions and has risen to the rank of a District Manager, Jobsite Solutions. 

How has Michael managed to rise so quickly in such a short time?

Michael attributes his ability to identify the biggest opportunities, and then follow up on them. He shares how he has identified pockets of growth within his organization and then used innovative marketing techniques to add new clients and further revenues.

Towards the end, Michael shares some key attributes that define a leader of tomorrow. Topics discussed include the ability to step out of your comfort zone, and relentless hard work. Michael also takes great pains to differentiate between “working hard” and “working smart”. Many young people of today equate being busy to being successful. If you find yourself continuously overworked and burnt out, this segment of the show will appeal to you greatly.

For all this and much more, tune in to our latest show now!



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