In today’s show, Chris interviews Kyle Pinnell, Channel Partner Manager, Top Hat. Kyle shares some interesting details about his work experiences, and reveals how clear prioritization and time-management has allowed him to strike a good work-life balance.

In the first segment of this show, Kyle recalls his life before Student Works. Always possessing an entrepreneurial streak, Kyle was perceptive enough to realize the need for professional coaching in his formative years. Did joining Student Works serve this purpose? Kyle reveals some crucial habits that his Student Works stint help him cultivate.

After Student Works, Kyle joined Canon where he rapidly rose through the ranks in a very short time. Moreover, because of his extraordinary performance, Kyle was recognized as one of the top reps in the country. This segment of the show is particularly interesting as listeners will get an insider’s account about the work culture at Canon. Kyle also talks about the challenges of dealing with red-tape at Canon. 

After working in one of the largest companies in Canada, Kyle decided to experience life at a startup by joining Top Hat. Top Hat, Kyle shares is an online education company with a unique business model. How is Top Hat providing students with a cost-effective solution to buying hardbound textbooks? 

Here, Kyle also makes some interesting comparisons between Top Hat and Canon. Is it easier to build work relationships and culture in a small organization like Top Hat? If you are contemplating joining a startup, this segment of the show will be really interesting to you.

One of the important topics that we touch upon is work-life balance. Our interviewee, Kyle is a part of a growing tribe that is refusing to give up on their hobbies and interests in lieu of their professional aspirations. But, can you pursue your interests without compromising your professional commitments? Kyle shares how clear prioritization and time management has helped him immensely in this regard.

Towards the end of the show, Kyle reveals some crucial attributes that truly define a leader of tomorrow. 

Tune in for some excellent nuggets!


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