We have a special show for you today. For the first time, Chris is joined by three ex-Student Works operators – Adel JawharyJames Svetec, and Matthew Andrews. Adel, James, and Matthew share their entrepreneurial journey so far and reveal some main attributes that have driven their success.

This show starts with Adel, James, and Matthew sharing some interesting details about the companies that they have founded. Adel’s Rydel Roofing has seen sales touch $10 million in its sixth year of business. James runs an online coaching organization, BNB Mastery program with annual sales of over a million dollars. Whereas, Matthew has ventured into real estate with Gryphon Homes and Stay Valet.

In this first segment of the show, our guests reveal some crucial attributes which have allowed them to scale up their businesses at such a scorching pace. Adel shares how he has built a dream team and systemized processes over the years. James, on the other hand, credits his willingness to learn for his amazing success. While Matt discusses the importance of collaboration and innovation for continued success.

Next, we discuss goal-setting and how Student Works can help you achieve your big, hairy, audacious goal. In a recurring theme, our guests point out how they upped their targets once they got exposed to Student Works and its elite pool of people. Should you set purely monetary goals? Or should you dream of achieving something more far-reaching?

Our next topic is productivity. Whether you are an entrepreneur or working in the corporate world, achieving optimum productivity is a task that most of struggle with. What are some effective ways of boosting your and your team’s productivity? How can you combat the resistance that threatens to hold you down? Are machine-like productivity and single-minded focus feasible and long-lasting solutions? 

In this segment of the show, we get a “peek” into the mind-set of high performing individuals. Contrary to popular perception, high-performing individuals are far from perfect. Rather, like Adel, James, and Matthew, they are willing to learn from their past mistakes and are striving for constant improvement.

Finally, towards the end of this show, our guests share some of the biggest challenges they had to overcome once they stepped into professional life. If you are a new or aspiring entrepreneur, this segment of the show will serve as an important reality check for you.

Do not miss this special show. Tune in now!



Rydel Roofing

BNB Mastery program

Adel’s LinkedIn

James’s LinkedIn

Matthew’s LinkedIn

Student Works 

Chris Thomson LinkedIn