In today’s show, Chris interviews Ahmed Nassrat, Financial Controller, Just Us! Coffee Roasters Co-operative & Founder, Atlantic Adventures Divers. Ahmed shares some interesting details about his work and business and reveals some crucial attributes which allow him to lead a rich and wholesome life.

This show starts with Ahmed sharing his background information. Having moved from Egypt in 2004, Ahmed started the Student Works program in 2006. Did Ahmed find this transition difficult? Having zero work experience, did he find the prospect of running a business daunting at first?

After working with Student Works for 3 years, Ahmed found employment with the retail major, Sobeys. In this segment of the show, listeners will get an inside peek into the grocery business. Ahmed also draws some interesting parallels between managing a painting franchise and a grocery store. Here, you will learn how his Student Works stint equipped Ahmed with transferable skillsets that placed his career firmly on the path of high growth.  

A yearning for learning and growth pushed Ahmed to get his CPA, and eventually, he transitioned to the role of a financial controller responsible for 300 stores across the country. Here, we are reminded again why “complacency is death”. Whether you are a professional or an entrepreneur, continuous learning is the only way to remain relevant and ensure growth.

Why did Ahmed leave Sobeys to work for Coffee Roasters Co-operative? Ahmad states his reasons and shares some interesting details about his current job.

Next, Ahmed reveals that he also runs a very successful side gig – Atlantic Adventure Divers. Providing customized trips to scuba divers and also mountaineers, this travel business allows Ahmed to follow his passions, notwithstanding a very busy work schedule.

Ahmed also shares some heartwarming details about his involvement in MS fundraising. You will learn about his fundraising efforts which involved cycling 3,300 across Europe!

Towards the end, Ahmed has some excellent advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. You will learn how to overcome complacency by constantly challenging yourself to do more and more.

Tune in for some excellent nuggets!



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