In today's show, Chris interviews Joe MacLean, Co-Founder, HLS Therapeutics. Joe reveals how he evolved from being an uncertain teenager to a successful serial entrepreneur. 

This show starts off with Joe recalling his life before Student Works. In his formative years, Joe always considered himself an underachiever. You will learn why Joe considers Student Works his first significant opportunity, and truly a “transformational experience”. How does Student Work help you gain an edge over the competition? Joe also reveals how mastering the painting business encouraged him to take calculated career risks. 

In the next segment, Joe shares one of the most crucial attributes for success – lifelong learning and self-improvement. Unless you are willing to subject yourself to an honest evaluation and then act upon your findings, your chances of attaining more and more success are greatly limited. 

After Student Works, Joe got business and law degrees before finally joining the finance industry. This segment of the show will be particularly interesting to folks who are aspiring to join this sector. Along with providing step-by-step instructions to gain entry into this lucrative sector, Joe also shares his own experience of working as an investment banker. Not the one to mince words, Joe points out that finance and investment banking is not for those who shy away from insanely hard work.

Next, Joe joined Goldman Sachs where he worked till 2002. After this stint, he dabbled in the hedge fund industry and even started his own fund. Currently, Joe is the co-founder of a healthcare company with a market cap of half a billion. 

So, what are the crucial habits and values that helped Joe achieve his enormous success? Towards the end he shares some excellent tips, especially for budding entrepreneurs. From the virtues of networking to finding new opportunities to taking failure in your stride, we have some excellent nuggets for you. 

Tune in now!


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Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World

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