After a big break on the show (thanks Covid!), who who better to chat with on this penultimate episode of The ShowOff Project than my very dear friend, Rosalie Audoin. Ros and I met in London over 20 years ago and we still Facetime almost every week!

Rosalie is a senior consultant and executive coach, who specialises in leadership and management development as well as personal branding, executive presence and gravitas.

She also coaches on executive leadership programs at the London School of Economics, as well as working with leaders at Gallagher, Sony, Santander, Harper Collins, Moon Pig, UNICEF and others.

But this episode isn't about showing off just what she's done. I'm showing of Rosalie as a spectacular human being. 

Background to The ShowOff Project:
This special edition series shows off everyday women from every continent - all whom I know personally (yes, I couldn't believe how many amaaazing women I know)!  My hope is to bring insight, encouragement and inspiration at a difficult time on the planet.  And, most importantly, to help re-imagine what every day women leading their worlds looks like.   

For more details and to see the video of this episode, go to

The future is wow... join me.
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