What if the discipline and hard work you put in playing sports could be translated into a fruitful ministry? Join us in a captivating conversation with Peter Nafzger, a professor at Concordia Seminary, as we explore this exciting intersection between sports and ministry. Pete carries an enthralling perspective on sports and teamwork, which he relates beautifully to collaboration in ministry. We reflect on our shared experiences on the basketball court and how these have shaped our outlook on teamwork.

Communication holds a significant place in all relationships, more so in pastoral ministry. Pete walks us through his journey of developing love for homiletics and presents a refreshing perspective on competition, seeing it as striving with and not against. We also touch upon the crucial role of life-on-life conversations in the digital age where unplugging from technology seems rare. You'll gain insights into Pete's unique method of sermon writing and memorization, visualizing different rooms in a house and assigning images to each page of the sermon.

Finally, we explore the evolving future of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. We discuss how the church can better serve its congregations and the role of collaboration and respect in these future adaptations. We also reflect on the early church and how the gospel moved forward with little organizational policy or structure, imparting a sense of trust in the Holy Spirit and the story of Jesus. Listen in for a hearty conversation with Peter Nafzger and enrich yourself with valuable insights on ministry, sermon writing and the church's future.

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