Today we're joined by Reverend Dick Koehneke, an experienced voice and guiding force in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Reverend Koehneke sheds light on his conviction that God calls us to be faithful to whatever is put before us, a belief he nurtured through his admirable journey serving in various congregations, his tenure at the Commission on Ministerial Growth and Support, and his involvement with the LCMS Ministerial Care Coalition.

Dedicated to the cause of church worker wellness, Reverend Koehneke helps us identify the significant threats that church workers face in their journey - spiritual attack, burnout, temptation, and isolation. We discuss the crucial role of preventive strategies in mitigating these threats, with special focus on the importance of staying rooted in God's word and prayer and maintaining accountability with peers. The episode takes an insightful turn as we look into the distinction between guilt and shame, and how they shape a church worker's life.

Our conversation goes on to highlight the importance of setting clear expectations in a congregation and how it can prevent burnout among church workers. Reverend Koehneke shares his own experiences with a Board of Elders who provided clarity and security during his tenure. We also touch upon the relatively less discussed topic of secondary traumatic stress in pastoral care, underscoring the need for pastors to seek preventive care. Don't miss out on this enlightening episode, rich with wisdom and insights beneficial for anyone involved in church leadership.

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