You find yourself in a heated discussion with a close colleague, a direct report, or maybe even your spouse or partner. You’ve been going back and forth about who is right and who is wrong. And it appears things are not going to get better any time soon.

We’ve all been there, and it stinks.

We want to settle things amicably. We want to keep the relationship trusting and healthy. And yet, we can’t quite let it go. We must prove our point. We must prove we are right!

It’s a pretty sad condition we have put ourselves into. Battling with people who are supposed to be friends, our coworkers, our loved ones.

Even though we know it’s stupid, we just can’t seem to let the other side win. We might be seen as weak, or incompetent, or scariest of all, that we might not know everything about certain topic.

What is going on here?

#jglenos #leadnsucceed #executivecoaching #erformancecoaching