Did you score big last year following our Holiday Buying Guide? If you didn’t pay attention last year, this is your chance to redeem yourself and buy those gamers in your life what they really want. Or to just waste 59 minutes of your life listening to the team offer their suggestions for this year! Plus there’s a new member of the LPP team for them to pick on during the podcast!

Are you ready for Adepticon 2024, yet? Lead Pursuit Podcast will be there, so do your game schedule research and plan on attending with us!
“Anyone think I can get a sweet deal on some Bolt Action motorcycle models next year? Maybe only two dollars over MSRP this time! ” - Brett


As always, check out our store for the latest in Blood Red Skies and Aerial Wargaming miniatures, accessories and more!
“Who designed this Kfir model? I can’t even see it for all of the Panel Lines!” - Casey
