Sara Drury is a business coach and consultant for six and seven-figure coaches, consultants, creatives, and spiritually-minded entrepreneurs. As a self-proclaimed mystic business mentor, she helps industry experts scale their businesses, break barriers, and boost income. After noticing a discrepancy between self-image and success, Sara developed the proprietary Business Magik Method, a five-step framework for exponential business growth.

In this episode…

Historically, women have been taught to be compliant and modest, causing them to internalize limiting behaviors leading to a low sense of self-worth. How can you implement small, manageable shifts to regain control of your personal and professional life?

Spiritual business coach Sara Drury affirms that your self-worth is your net worth. Many self-doubting beliefs and their accompanying behaviors become subconscious patterns and habits, so you must maintain keen self-awareness to subvert them. Every action has a motivation, so by identifying its purpose, you can shift your mindset. Sara utilizes hypnosis to help businesswomen tap into their subconscious minds to develop conscious goals. 

Mystic business mentor Sara Drury is Andrea Heuston’s guest in this episode of the Lead Like a Woman Show. Together, they discuss how to cultivate a greater sense of self-worth and confidence. Sara also talks about her epiphany and self-discovery, how to rectify detrimental behaviors, and the link between self-worth and success.