Riah Gonzalez is an accidental entrepreneur, a taco enthusiast, and a lover of 90s pop. As a young mom with minimal support, Riah quickly learned that her success would be different from that of her peers. The life lessons she learned through trial and error led her to encourage others through her debut book, Successful as F*ck: A No BS Tale of Screwing Up and Succeeding Anyway. When she's not writing, Riah empowers female entrepreneurs with her virtual assistant matchmaking company Linq Consulting Solutions. She lives happily in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and three daughters.

In this episodeā€¦

What does success look like for you? Do you find it difficult to express your true self or emotions when it comes to business?

The fear of being ridiculed, judged, or seen as a failure prevents many women from expressing their emotions. However, according to Riah Gonzalez, screwing up does not mean you are unsuccessful. Instead, embrace your failures and learn from your mistakes. Be authentic, express your emotions and true self, and recognize that you are enough.

In this episode of the Lead Like a Woman Show, Andrea Heuston interviews Riah Gonzalez, an author and entrepreneur, about defining success on your own terms. Riah discusses the value of expressing your emotions, being authentic, and her experience building a virtual assistant matchmaking company.