Michele Hecken is a seasoned entrepreneur, author, speaker, and business leader. She has over 25 years of experience running a global company that she started at the age of 22 and sold in 2019. Her passion is elevating other entrepreneurs in life and business as a transformational executive coach.

Michele is currently writing a book focused on how to create your best, fun, and fearless life in business, set to be published in the winter of 2022. She also coaches entrepreneurs and C-level executives focused on further developing their leadership and companies while aligning their true purpose to their mission.

In this episode…

Business leaders are expected to make the best decisions about their organizations. However, sometimes this can be difficult and leaders can waste a lot of time thinking about the right move to make. How do you get unstuck from this decision-making loop?

Michele Hecken often faced this same problem when running her business. It mentally took a toll on her, but while talking to one of her mentors, she was advised to just make a decision — and this helped solve her problem. She now uses that same piece of advice to help other entrepreneurs offboard and get things out of their desks (and their heads).

In this episode of the Lead Like A Woman Show, Andrea Heuston interviews Michele Hecken, an executive coach, about the importance of offboarding yourself from your business. They discuss the benefits and challenges associated with delegating, how Michele prepared her business for sale, and how she coaches other entrepreneurs to offboard themselves from their companies. Stay tuned.