Lisa Rueff is the Founder and CEO of Collective Hearts. She is a multi-faceted community leader, inspirational speaker, wellness expert, jewelry designer, Sparked board game creator, and entrepreneur. She created Collective Hearts to connect, inspire and amplify love in the world. As the Founder and Chief Love Warrior Lisa Rueff knows what it means to love with purpose, and she is on a heart-based mission to spread kindness and generosity worldwide from leading international humanitarian trips to raising millions of dollars for women and children. And from her heart jewelry designs to signature workshops, retreats and talks, Lisa inspires collective hearts worldwide. 

Lisa is also a Co-founder of The Jacmel Children’s Center which offers love, a home, education, and a better future for the orphans in Jacmel, Haiti. She also served as the Executive Director of the Do It For The Love Foundation which was founded by musician Michael Franti and his wife, ER nurse, Sara Agah Franti to grant live concert music wishes to people living with life-threatening illnesses, children with severe challenges, and wounded veterans, including those diagnosed with PTSD.

In this episode…

Lisa Rueff loves people. And her love for humanity and her desire to continuously be able to help others led her to Haiti to help victims of the 2010 earthquake that ravaged through the country. She was inspired by the people's spirit and perseverance, and she wanted to do more for them. This paved the way for her to help fundraise and start a children's home and later started a jewelry business whose proceeds help support the children's home.

So why is Lisa so passionate about helping others and filling every project that she gets her hands on with love? Well, Lisa believes that when you follow your heart and do things that make others happy, more doors will open for you in the future. And women have a higher propensity to lead with love because they tend to be more tuned-in to their hearts in whatever it is that they’re working on, allowing them to have a kinder, more generous, more supportive, and more nurturing approach on their projects.

Lisa Rueff, Founder and CEO of Collective Hearts, is Andrea Heuston's guest in this episode of the Lead Like a Woman Show. Tune in as Lisa talks about her humanitarian work in Haiti and how it led to the founding of a children's home and jewelry business, how her jewelry pieces have made its way to top female leaders like Patrisse Cullors and Michelle Obama, and find out how doing things with love can make the world a better place.