Previous Episode: A Shave and Two Bulls

Oh what it is to be made into a holy and righteous priesthood! Our father is blessing us with the revelation of how priests are made. We are learning to press into what will perfect us as priests with messages like "Don't fear the razor" and "A shave and two bulls". Our good father has equipped us for what is good for doing his will. We have a lot to give and that is exactly what he's asking of us, what we have. As we are hearing this call to press into the razor, we want to do it willingly. The refinement is for our perfection, therefore is to be engaged with joy. Our father is calling us to a joyful willingness as we engage in this priest-perfecting process! He's called us to be willing to give all that we have as freewill offerings. Listen to the encouraging word from Pastor Wade and brother Justin Linton.