Previous Episode: Clarion Call
Next Episode: Don't Fear the Razor

We are basking in the revelation given to us by our good father and we are beginning to grasp the word of his promises in a special way. The certainty of God's promises to Israel is settling in on us and deepening our own faith as gentiles. Brothers Abimbola Daramola and Justin Linton encourage us with the truth of God's word to his chosen sons. As gentiles, we can see how the sons of Israel responded to God's word to them and we are partaking in the benefits of it today! It is astonishing that we could even participate with them in these promises. Because of this, we were encouraged to respond with the same active faith as his firstborn sons. God's faithfulness to Israel inspires us to trust him and respond with action. In fact, our father's too good for us not to move when his word speaks to us!