It’s clear to see that our heavenly commander has been preparing us for the dark and glorious days before us. Through the discipline of our father, we are being trained into mature men that can be sent into the heart of the battle and rise up victorious. Elder Boz and brother Payton encourage our body with this stirring call to arms entitled "Seal Team". As America's most illustrious and revered fighting group, the NAVY Seals are known for their rigorous training requirements, their "I'll die before I quit"/ complete the mission at all costs kind of attitude, and their devotion to brotherhood. How much more do these principles apply in the kingdom of God? The training we are undergoing now is so that we will complete the mission at all costs, by any means necessary, and diving into the depths of discipleship as we are being trained as God's SEAL Team. Above all things, we never, ever give up our seals! Be encouraged. and more importantly rise up into your high calling as you listen to this amazing word!