Kicking off a new series, in the first sermon entitled “Remember: Secure Sons”, Elder Eric, Pastor Matthew, and Pastor Wade illustrate with personal examples and experiences how as sons of our heavenly Father, we are called to remember our first encounter with Him. We must revive those moments of awe, majesty, purpose, love, empowerment, and security. We learned that through an intentional time of remembering, these experiences are meant to produce a time of refreshment in His presence. This Sabbath time allows us to have a sober assessment of our present walk with the Lord and focus on who He is, reminding us of the secure sonship that we have in Him. Although this time of remembrance is first seen as a command by the Lord to the nation of Israel, it certainly still applies for us today. In the midst of the busyness of life, and even “ministry,” it is easy to lose sight of where it all started…the reason we do what we do. As you listen to this sermon, establish your secure sonship through the remembrance of your first experience with your heavenly Father.