Previous Episode: 2 Chronicles 21
Next Episode: Throwing Up

Pastor Matt & Pastor Wade deliver this felicitous (well suited) sermon entitled, "National Disaster". Beginning in Titus 1:9, our pastors teach us the import of men...more specifically elders...who hold to the trustworthy message as it has been taught! Men like Moses, Hezekiah, and Nehemiah teach us important lessons on what it is to be firm in their convictions and steady in their resolve no matter the adversity, difficulty, or pressure. These men were not alone in their pursuits, but had other Godly men with whom they partnered and yoked themselves, that provided the help to stay steady while progressing through all opposition. You must take the same course to avert not only a national disaster, but a supernatural disaster as well! Listen to this sermon now and learn how to avoid the "National Disaster".