Pastor Eric, Pastor Matt, and Pastor Wade continue our Joseph's Storehouse series with this sermon entitled, "Retain It". After clinching with the ever darkening days that we are living in, our pastors give us the way forward now that we have gathered & cultivated gratefulness. The way forward is for us to retain the Word/revelation that we have been given. We retain the revelation when we remember what God has done! As we recount the Word & our testimonies, we are providing water for the revelation to grow! We must then bring the seed into reality! Bringing the Word into reality should be at the heart of every true believer! This key to success is also the key to retaining the Word! Lastly, we must renew the revelation. It is our privilege and duty to cause an increase in the seed we have been given! The singular verse of revelation should grow and become a Scripture string as we water and retain the treasure-filled seed. Let these men of God challenge you since you have learned to gather the seed and cultivate the seed, so that you can Retain It! by watering it!