Pastor Eric, Pastor Matthew, & Pastor Wade conclude our Joseph's Storehouse series with this sermon entitled, "Empowered to Produce". It is a good thing to go to the storehouse to receive seed! It is better to become a storehouse! Ultimately, the goal is to produce a crop from your storehouse so that you can become a self-seeding storehouse that is able to multiply ministries! The divine revelation that our pastors shared with us is that for those who have heard the Word, retained it, and persevere in it, the inevitable result is that you WILL produce a crop! You have been empowered to produce the quantity and quality of harvest that is able to save both yourself and your hearers. You WILL produce a crop as you look to Abraham and Sarah, the original rock quarry that we have been hewn from. The great news is that even if you sowed seed in tears, you WILL reap with songs of joy! You WILL come back with sheaves of harvest in hand! Listen to this message and learn the lessons of Joseph's Storehouse and you WILL produce a harvest of righteousness!!