Previous Episode: Throwing Up
Next Episode: Heavenly High Ground

Pastor Wade delivers this uplifting sermon entitled, "Going Up Higher". Deuteronomy 1:26-27 tells us what it is like when people are unwilling to go up higher...they rebel against the commands of God and grumble in their hearts that God is maleficent instead of magnificent. Pastor Wade helps to illustrate how to go up higher. We must move out from our positions, follow God's providence, and stand exactly where God determines without deviation or delay. This is proven in Ephesians 2:6 when it is declared that we are raised up with Christ and seated with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus!! Listen to this sermon to learn how to set your hearts and minds on things above. Let the Holy Spirit move you to follow God's decrees and carefully stand on His laws as you keep Going Up Higher!