Previous Episode: Faith In Friends
Next Episode: 2 Chronicles 21

Pastor Matt and Pastor Wade deliver this pertinent sermon entitled, "Favorite Food". Jesus clearly declares in John 4 that His food was to do the will of the Father and finish His work. This principle of finding your sustenance in action-filled steps of obedience is paramount in the Kingdom! Learning that man doesn't live on bread alone but on every word that comes from God's mouth gives us the confidence to be able to handle the inevitable, predictable outcome of adversity. For the man who has the food of accomplishing God's will, who has the tenacity to overcome adversity and affliction, he is the one who can be absolutely assured of the advantage that comes as a result of this process! The true believer feeding on God's Word and God's will always has the advantage in every situation. He will be able to see and hear the revelation of the heavens, be empowered by God's Spirit, and achieve what few others can...a life that fulfills God's Will!! Make His Will your favorite food today!