Pastor Matthew & Pastor Wade continue our Divine Dimensions series with this sermon entitled, "Drenched in Oil". Once you life has been drenched in the Blood (see the sermon entitled Divine Dimensions: Drenched), you can follow the Divine pattern by being drenched in oil. The anointing of both priests and lepers demonstrate that after the blood, it is time for oil! After the guilt offering has been received we must elevate our expectations and expect the empowerment of the heavens to fill us. The point of being restored by the blood is that we receive the triumph over sin, the reality of the Kingdom, and the ability to walk & thrive in the Divine Dimension of God's powerful presence. This pattern isn't just possible, it is predictable!! This predictable pattern has always been blood then oil...liberation then empowerment...atonement then anointing...Pesach then Shavu'ot...Passover then Pentecost! Move forward from the certainty of the cleansing power of the blood and walk in the guarenteed power of the oil!