We are truly a blessed people. We have been blessed with an abundance of God's favor in our lives. He has caused amazing growth in every one of us. At the same time, we can look forward to an amazing amount of work ahead of us. This is the pattern of sukkot. To both be in season of plowing and planting. What brothers Adam Corra and Asad Robinson taught us is that not only is this true, but the Jesus Christ is sukkot. He is light, from him flows living water, he is the embodied representation of God who tabernacled with man. And as amazing as that is, we were reminded that he also tabernacles in us. Therefore, we have a mandate, a mission to go and share that with all around us. The nations will see his light through us. Listen to this message entitled "Pattern of Sukkot" and resolve yourself to burn brightly so that all might see his light through you.