Does Bella Hadid have bigger balls than The Hulk? As Israel’s ongoing warcrimes against Palestinians continue, Zionists are pulling out all the stops to salvage Israel’s image worldwide. Big Tech's censoring pro-Palestine content (oh hey, Instagram!) while the pro-Israel lobby smears celebrity voices speaking for justice. Mark Ruffalo crumbled under pressure and took back “genocide”; what did Bernie Sanders urge that has The Bitches calling for his cucking cancellation? Plus the New York Times' full-page ad slamming Palestinian supermodels for supporting a second Holocaust. You can't make this shit up!

The Left Bitches are Anissa NaouaiErica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.

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