The Eurovision Song Contest has been an annual presentation and competition of national songs since May 24, 1956 and is broadcasted on television throughout Europe. Since 1967 the festival has also been broadcasted in countries outside of Europe. Furthermore, the festival can be followed live on the internet every year by anyone. The contest is spread over three nights over a week-long period with two semi finals and one grand finale. All the participating countries have their own national selection process to settle on which artist may represent their country for the upcoming year. 

Read and comment on the story: 

‘Some people even wish me death. They hope that my plane to Rotterdam will crash next month. That really goes beyond all limits. When I read all those messages, I just wanted to sit in the corner and cry. But that's exactly what they want. You know, I don't want to read too many of these kinds of messages. With that I give those reactions too much power. I now mainly try to focus on the people who do support me. My team, my friends, my fans.’ 

Manizja wants to show her fans that it is important to show that she does not succumb to the pressure. Despite the hate reports, official investigations, and threats, she wants to go to the Eurovision Song Contest at all costs.