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Our generation is living in one of the biggest technological revolutions of all time. This revolution of technological advancement is so abundant, familiar, and well-known that describing it too much would be redundant, to the point of boredom. The Information Age has completely shifted the entire paradigm of communications and relations between all people in our world and their governments, creating both a relative closeness and a complete divide all at once. Sometimes this shift in communications comes with grey areas and drawbacks that many of the people who founded our world’s governments couldn't have foreseen or understood. These murky situations are a hot debate among many politicians, scholars, and citizens to the point of hostility in most social circles.

The NFT artwork illustrates the story and the buyer supports more LBTY stories. Some items are currently up for auction on OpenSea. The highest bidder will win it as long as the bid is at least Ξ0,05 which amounts roughly to just $30. Visit

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