Flight 087. The beeping T-shirt, A Star Wars Story. Paul falls in love with Ethiopian, reviews Asiana and JAL. IAG gives up on Norwegian. WOW has no more wow. FlyBe might be saved. NRT celebrates 40, expands new signage, offers no-nonsense security, but no more whisky. JAL's First shoe shine service. A snow globe crashes. The never-ending 787 Trent story: ANA incident, Norwegian replacements. BA announces 747 retirement plans (it's SOON!). FRA is building a new terminal (more stupid layouts?). Premium business, and more fare segmentation. Alcohol makes people dangerously stupid: a JAL pilot arrested and fired, a passenger hijacks an Aeroflot 737, and WestJet sues intoxicated passenger for diversion (we're rooting for WestJet!). BA plays the wrong track.