When we think of networking we often think of events filled with eager networkers or exclusive networking groups.  These are great places to network.  But they are not the only way to network.

Let’s take a step back and simplify the process.  Here are three steps you can take this week to jumpstart your professional networking.

Step #1 - Make a list.

Make a quick list of at least nine people.  These should be people whom you already know a little bit - not strangers and not your best friend.  Do not overthink the list.  The ideal person is someone you have met but what to connect with more professionally.

Step #2 - Identify three people.

Again, do not overthink this.  Just commit to three names.  You will then write how you will connect with them next to their name.

Some easy examples are:  reaching out about a milestone or celebration; scheduling time for a call, coffee, or lunch; see if they want to attend a CLE or other bar function with you; or interact with their professional online content.

Step #3 - Connect.

Decide when you will make the connection and DO IT!  Repeat each week until you are finished with your list.

These three steps are such an easy way to make connections without spending a lot of time or thought worrying about the process.  You can use these three steps over and over again to reinvigorate your networking routine anytime that works for you.

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