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Helping you build a strong professional network is the mission behind Lawyers Who Launch.  This may be surprising, but there are times when you may need to intentionally pause your networking efforts during a particularly busy season of life.

Putting a pause on networking may seem counterproductive, but it is in fact the opposite.  We all have different seasons in our lives.  The timing, length, and reason for the season may all vary.  But sometimes you just do not have the time and energy to execute your networking plan.

That’s okay.

Because you have been working on developing a strong professional network you have your network, even if you need to pause your networking plan.

When you are in a season that could benefit from a networking pause you should give yourself the grace to actually do it.  We have five easy ways to engage with your network even when networking itself in on hiatus.

Tip #1 - Email your networking contacts.

Keeping in touch with your networking contacts via email is a great strategy for getting through your busy season, while still touching base on referrals or other news.  Use this technology to your advantage in this period of time.  Once you are through this season you can then engage with your networking directly through other means and reestablish the relationship you have built.

Tip#2 - Make a phone call, not a commitment.

There will be seasons when you do not have the space in your schedule to fit meetings, lunches, and events.  When that season hits perhaps you still have the space for a quick call with a networking contact.  Even if the call is to let someone know they are on your mind and you would like to schedule something with them in the future.  They will appreciate your time and thoughts and you are keeping that relationship going.

Tip#3 - Share an article in your field on social media.

Sharing helpful or interesting content on social media reminds your followers that you are someone that is keeping up to date in that field.  Your contacts will be happy to continue to look to you a source of reliable information.

Tip#4 - Evaluation your commitments.

Take a look at everything you have before you.  Perhaps there are other areas in which you could scale back.  Maybe now is the time to transition from a leadership role to a member in a group that you are involved with.  You may also look to refer some work out to your network.  

Tip #5 - Ask for help.

Because you have been building a strong professional network, remember that they are there for you.  If you need help reach out and ask someone.  Do you have someone you can refer a complex matter to?  Do you have someone with whom you could have a lunch to help you strategize a risky move?  Who can you rely upon in your network to help you in this season?

A busy season is just that - a season.  Readjusting and refocusing is a part of life.  Utilizing these five tips can help you navigate such a season and come out better than ever.

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