Whether this is your first semester of law school or your last fall semester, winter break is nearly here.  Today, we are going to give you some ideas of how you can make the most of your winter break.  First and foremost, after a long semester give yourself the time to relax.  Take the time that you need to decompress and find yourself not studying for hours on end.  This is a great time to catch up on that Netflix series everyone was talking about while you were studying for finals.  Maybe this winter break you want to continue a hobby you put away for law school.  Or maybe you want to try something new.  Give yourself permission to leave your finals back where they belong - in finals week.  What’s done is done.  Don’t spend your entire winter break stressed over what your grades may be.  Let winter break be a true break from the stress of the semester.  Along the lines of relaxing, schedule some time during winter break to connect and reconnect with your loved ones.  It can be difficult to make time during the semester to spend quality time with the many important people in your life.  Be intentional about making time during winter break to get together, and start the ball rolling right now.  Send out a text or make a phone call and put some plans on your calendar.  Time can get away from you if you aren’t intentional, so think about who you want to see and some fun things to do and reach out to them. Winter break can also be a great time to nurture and naturally grow your network.  Let the people in your life know what you’ve been up to and what you are looking for career-wise.  Seek to connect or reconnect with your networking contacts.  This can be as simple as sending some thoughtful emails, writing a thank you card or updating your LinkedIn.  Designate some time over winter break to move your career forward. Networking is all about building relationships.  While you are nurturing your personal relationships this winter break give those you care about the benefit of a little bit about you as a professional.  Your relationship will be better for it and you may just be able to expand your professional network a little bit more.  Finally, winter break can be a great time to set yourself up for success for the spring semester.  But seriously, only do this after you have taken some time for yourself away from law school.  You’ve worked hard, you deserve a break.  Once you have taken a break, take some time and make a list of some of those tasks that never seem to get crossed off your to do list and try to get them done in one day. Maybe you’ve been putting off making appointments or getting your oil changed.  Pick a day during break to make all those calls and even get those appointments taken care of.  It’s much easier to do when you know you don’t have 100 pages of constitutional law staring at you.  Think about this past semester and what you found to be most stressful personally and see if you can come with a solution or life hack over winter break that you can implement in the spring semester.  If planning or cooking dinner was a serious pain point, come up with some quick simple meals that you can easily rotate throughout the week.

P.S. - Give the gift of success this holiday season with the ebook “The Law Student’s Guide to Networking.”  Click here to purchase today!
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