As we approach 50 episodes and our first podcasting anniversary, we have been thinking back to where it all began.  Over the last year we have talked with so many of you about how we got started in podcasting and about your fears surrounding podcasting that we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share our podcasting story along with all of our tips and tricks for those of you interesting in starting your own podcast.
Podcasting Background We had none.  Our only experience with podcasts was as listeners.  One day Amy floated the idea of starting our own podcast and the seed was planted.  We had to start from absolutely nothing because that is how much we knew about developing, producing, editing, and putting out our own podcast. So if you are interested in the idea of starting your own podcast, but you feel like you don’t have the experience, you are in the right place.

Step 1 - Topic The first step is to figure out what your podcast will be about.  You will need to identify your niche, what is your area of expertise and who are you going to share that with?  Who is your intended audience?  Your niche and intended audience go hand in hand so you really want to be intentional about those as you begin to develop your podcast.  Try to be as specific as possible because you cannot have a podcast that speaks to everyone, because you will end up with a podcast that speaks to no one. Trust yourself here because you are an expert, you know who is looking for your expertise, so speak to them.

Step 2 - Format
Is this a solo show or am I going to record with someone?
Will I have guests, no guests, or a combination?
How long will my episodes run?
How frequently will I publish new episodes?
Will there be any repeating segments?

As you are asking yourself these questions you must keep one critical factor in mind - consistency.  However, you choose to format your podcast you want to make sure that it is done in a way that will allow you to be consistent. 

Step 3 - Make a List of Topic Ideas Start now making a list of podcast episode ideas.  They do not have to be perfectly crafted titles or even fully formed episodes.  But you need to make sure that your idea for your podcast can inspire you to create enough episodes to get your through the beginning of your podcast.  We had at least 30 ideas on our list before we moved forward with actually creating this podcast.  This is a place where we still put ideas that are not fully formed episodes yet and we can revisit for inspiration whenever we hit that inevitable block. What happens if you cannot think of enough episode ideas? Answer:  Revisit steps 1 and 2.  Look at your topic, niche, audience, and format.  What can you tweak?  What can you adjust?  Do those adjustment inspire additional ideas?  What does that look like?

We have had a great time developing and doing this podcast.  We think that this is the perfect time to bring what we have learned back to you because we love networking and podcasting can be a very powerful networking tool.  Subscribe now and stay with us for this podcasting mini-series and you can launch your very own podcast too!

Nothing contained within this podcast is intended or should be construed to be legal advice and does not create any attorney client relationship.  Please keep in mind that your jurisdiction will have rules of professional conduct that you must follow.  This discussion does n

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Nothing contained within this podcast is intended or should be construed to be legal advice and does not create any attorney client relationship. Your jurisdiction will have rules of professional conduct that you must follow. This discussion does not focus on the any such rules, including the rules from the jurisdiction where we practice.