We are now officially in summer mode.  While that means the days are longer and the weather is warm, our calendars and to do lists are busting with new projects and obligations.  This week we are sharing five wellness tips to help you avoid burnout and enjoy all of the fun that this time of year has to offer.

Wellness Tip 1

Schedule breaks.

Then actually take those breaks.

Scheduling a few short breaks throughout your day can help you refresh and recharge in order to tackle that ever growing to do list.  Set your tech aside.  Do not read or respond to emails.  Do not do something for someone else.  Our favorite thing to do during these breaks is to simply go outside and breathe.

Wellness Tip 2

Avoid multitasking.

Multitasking is often not as effective or efficient as we would like to believe.  Try to do one thing at a time.  Our best tip for actually accomplishing this is to keep a pad close by.  When you think of something else that needs to be done or something to talk about with someone else you can easily write it down.  Now you won’t forget and you are not allowing yourself to be distracted into another task.

Wellness Tip 3

Move your body.

We all know the health and wellness benefits of regular exercise.  Find something that you actually enjoy doing and get that blood moving through your body.  Between online offerings, in person options, and the simple act of walk down your own street there is something for everyone.

Wellness Tip 4

Shut off your phone.

Again, we all know that our phones keep us awake and interrupt our sleep.  But…it is SO HARD to actually do!  Set a reminder on your phone right now for a time that you will silence your phone and put it away tonight.  You might be wondering what you will do after that.  Check out Wellness Tip 5 for the answer.

Wellness Tip 5

Replace screen time with a book.

We both love reading and have made a habit of reading at night before we go to sleep.  Just like with the exercise, find something that you actually enjoy.  It can be as serious or as silly as you want.  But reading at night is a great way to unwind from the day and get yourself out of that endless scroll.

Let us know which tips you try!

Have a great day!

Haley & Amy

P.S. - Haley mentioned her love of Elin Hilderbrand at the end of the episode.  Here are some links to a few of her favorite beach reads.

The Paradise Trilogy

The Rumor

The Identicals

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Nothing contained within this podcast is intended or should be construed to be legal advice and does not create any attorney client relationship. Your jurisdiction will have rules of professional conduct that you must follow. This discussion does not focus on the any such rules, including the rules from the jurisdiction where we practice.