This week we continue our quest to decrease stress and improving decision making.  That is why we are considering the seasonal decision fatigue and five simple things you can do to combat it right now.

#1 - Make a dump list.

Make a dump list of everything you have going on.  Big and little put it on there.  While you are making the list try to simply focus on getting it all out on the paper - don’t think about it beyond naming it. 

#2 - Take your dump list and acknowledge what is actually timely or important.

Going through this exercise is going to tell you a lot about the things you have going on and it might reveal something you did not recognize about priorities and where your attention does not necessarily need to be. For example maybe you can let go of something that has been bothering you but is not necessarily timely or important. Then that brain space can go to something else more critical.

#3 - Make a list of 10 go-to dinners.

This one is not necessarily for everyone, but if it is for you then it may change the game.  This list should be any 10 dinners - homemade, takeout, or some combination.  When you have a list of dinners ready to go in whatever format works for you then you can easily consult the list, or have someone else in your household consult the list, and make a choice.

#4 - Schedule quality time and rest.

Quality time and rest are very different but both fulfill us in different ways.  Quality time may be something that is not particularly restful, but helps us engage and connect with loved ones.  If your quality time is not restful, then you should also think of a way to carve out some time to rest and recharge.

#5 - Acknowledge when good enough is good enough.

It can be exhausting to make so many decisions, but the reality is we are often not choosing between something good and something bad, we are choosing between two good enough options.  And sometimes good enough, is just that, good enough and not worth thinking any more about.  That's the thing about low stakes decisions - they are low stakes, you usually can’t mess it up so it is helpful to acknowledge that and lean into it.

What are you going to try in this busy season?  Let us know!

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