Yomi Bashorun, Cerle6, marketing fundamentals, empathy maps, customer avatars, inbound marketing, marketing agencies, technological development in society.

Stephen Turner, the host of Lawyers of Tomorrow, speaks to Yomi Bashorun, legal tech entrepreneur, Bachelor of Science, and co-founder and Director of Cerle6, a fintech marketing agency about the insights Yomi has gained through his extensive marketing and sales experience.

Yomi explains that to be a good marketer the most fundamental quality you need is empathy, in order that you can understand the hopes, concerns, thoughts, needs and feelings of your customer. Above all else, good marketing is about putting your customer at the centre of everything you do. When companies fail at marketing it is usually because they break this rule and forget about what their customers really want, often elevating making money to be the main or sole goal.

Stephen and Yomi break down marketing into its functional parts: what is 'inbound' marketing and 'digital' marketing? How do they differ from 'public relations' or 'brand awareness'?

Yomi explains why so many law firms will have had bad experiences when working with marketing agencies, how these problems can be avoided and how you can tell if a marketing agency is any good just by the questions they ask and the time they take to get to know your business and your customers. 

Many law firms fumble along in marketing in a state of semi-desperation, employing the latest hyped tactic whilst not having a clear strategy for achieving their goals. Yomi explains the difference between strategy and tactics, how a law firm can succeed with their chosen strategy and what key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor in order to gauge success.  

Throughout the podcast, Yomi and Stephen highlight tools that legal marketers can use to gain incredibly powerful insights into what their customers really think and feel and tools which can allow marketers to identify 'long tail' keywords when creating original content that will act as traffic or lead magnets.

Stephen and Yomi end the pod casts with a look at how developments in human behaviour and technology have completely shifted the balance of power away from the suppliers of services, including law, and into the hands of consumers. This shift will become more apparent with time as lawyers are reviewed, rated and assessed by consumers who will increasingly decide which firms are valued and trusted and which are not.