Interest in mindfulness and meditation is on the rise in the legal profession and for good reason! There are numerous benefits to incorporating mindfulness into your law practice and legal career, the most relevant to us being that it helps lawyers do their jobs better (which means fewer potential ethics complaints).

I’m joined by lawyer, author, and mindfulness instructor Jeena Cho who shares her insight on the connection between mindfulness, wellness, and building more sustainable law practices.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

Why is mindfulness important in the practice of law? What are some tools available for relieving stress and calming the mind? How can you recognize when your mind is not in the present moment? How to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life How much time should you give yourself to retrain your brain? Who benefits the most from practicing mindfulness, meditation, and self-care? What are some of the destructive behaviors many lawyers engage in to cope with stress? How laying down a strong foundation for yourself can help you achieve well-being as a law student How not to let your career derail your health habits How can practicing mindfulness improve your interactions with your colleagues and clients? Some tips to maintaining a mindfulness practice and making it last

Resources Mentioned:

Sharon Salzberg - mindfulness and meditation author 

Headspace app 

Insight Timer

Jeena's book - The Anxious Lawyer: An 8-Week Guide to a Joyful and Satisfying Law Practice Through Mindfulness and Meditation 

The Resilient Lawyer Podcast



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This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as legal advice specific to your circumstances. If you need help with any legal matters, be sure to consult with an attorney regarding your specific needs.

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