Have you ever sent in an application and had no idea what the processing time of it being completed would be?  The moral character application is very important and it is best if you have questions to just ask advice on it. We have examined this topic before and will be bringing it up again since there has been a lot of consultations about the moral character application. Tune in and discover how knowing the process can help relieve the anxiety of the application and actual issues that arise.

Show Highlights:

A short story about the Empowerment Conference from over the weekend Parenting goals and helping children believe they can do something in the future that is self-designed and not just on someone else’s whim Why Megan brought her children to the conference Why we will discuss moral character applications Demystifying the process of the moral character application is a great value Get advice from others who know the process of the application Read questions on the application very carefully so you know what is actually being asked Disclosing your story/information on the application  Honor code violations Getting records and the time it takes to get them back If you need advice get it and get it early on


Hoping this podcast stirs up some more discussion, thank you for listening!

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This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as legal advice specific to your circumstances. If you need help with any legal matters, be sure to consult with an attorney regarding your specific needs.