Mark Conrad is Associate Professor of Law and Ethics at Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business, where he directs its sports business concentration. In addition to his full-time responsibilities at Fordham, Professor Conrad has served as an adjunct professor at Columbia University’s master’s program in Sports Management where he teaches international and comparative sports law. Mark is also a member of LawInSport Editorial Board.

In this interview Mark talks to Sean Cottrell about:

2:30 - What the NCAA v Alston case means now and in the coming years for US College sport
6:39 - Reflections on the why The NCAA took the appeal to the Supreme Court
8:26 - The significance of the concurring opinion of Justice Kavanaugh
17:34 - Name, image and likeness laws impact on player recruitment and competitive balance across colleges and leagues
24:05 - In light of the Alston decision, do college student athletes now have a better chance of unionisation, as in the case of Northwestern Football Team?
26:35 - How could the alignment between labour and owners, leagues, organisers lead to a successful financial model
31:42 - What could the next 6-12 months hold for college sports?

We thoroughly enjoyed the interview and took a lot away from it. We hope you do the same. 

The host is Sean Cottrell (@spcott), CEO of LawInSport. 

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