This is the episode where The Law Sisters evaluate workplace dress codes, workplace dress shaming, and the question of whether women ask to be assaulted or discriminated against because of the way they dress.  Because “What to Wear to Work” is a trick question that we discuss up and down, from hemlines to hijabs!  

And the Law Sisters Ask a burning question:  can women stop berating women for what they wear?  It’s a constant battle of the haters out there!  And twitter is obviously not having it.  

Hollywood harassers and assaulters don’t escape our notice either -- sexual harassment is coming out in the open!  We detail the scandals and break down the issues -- why do women have to do the outing, and where are the men who ought to be outing themselves?  

Don’t miss our bonus discussion on freedom of religion -- because not everyone knows what the First Amendment really says!

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