The post LOE 070 | Creating Your Credibility and Authority in Business with Content Marketing appeared first on Creative Possibility.

Ever wondered how blogging, podcasting or video content work as a successful business strategy? 

Welcome to a very special, celebratory episode number 70 of Law of Effortlessness Podcast with your Marketing and Business Coach, Shannon Bush! Join Shannon in celebrating two years of the Law of Effortlessness Podcast as she reflects on the incredible women who have been part of the Podcast on live coaching calls or experts sharing their knowledge and wisdom with you, the amazing audience who make LOE the fantastic podcast that it is!

Celebrations aside, this episode is also rich in content and marketing insights!

Have you ever wondered how other businesses seem to get their content marketing so right, and how you could replicate that success to improve your business results?

Shannon shares her thought leadership on Content Marketing as a way of establishing your credibility and authority  –sharing her formula for using content to create credibility and authority by demonstrating expertise and utilising strategic distribution.

This episode is packed with practical, expert wisdom derived from Shannon’s work with many different types of business over many years from considering the kinds of images used and what they communicate on a conscious and unconscious level, to ensuring that the content you’re creating is as effortless as possible.

Shannon shares her top five tips for choosing a content medium, and breaks down how a content marketing funnel can work smarter, not harder for your business complete with actionable ideas for content repurposing, and a reminder that nothing beats consistency!

Notable Quotes & Pearls Of Wisdom

“Done right, your content marketing will not only attract prospects but move them through the marketing funnels of your business.” Ryan Deiss,

“When someone understands that you’re a solution, they’re much more likely to reach out to you.” – Shannon Bush

“Authority is one of the bi-products of having well considered, consistent and strategic content.” -Shannon Bush

“Discoverability equals sales in the real world.” Dev Shendon

“You have to own your expertise and be willing to share your opinion.” Shannon Bush

Find out More About Effortless Business Events:

Connect with Shannon in these places

Join the Thriving Entrepreneur Facebook group for women entrepreneurs

Her Facebook business page and on Instagram

Do you have a question or idea for a podcast episode?  Submit your ideas and questions to [email protected]

Find out more about Market To Thrive here.

The post LOE 070 | Creating Your Credibility and Authority in Business with Content Marketing appeared first on Creative Possibility.