The post LOE 068 | Creating Brand Voice | EBE Take Over w/ Shannon Bush & Sarah Thomson appeared first on Creative Possibility.

Creating Brand Voice | Another Effortless Business Events Take Over w/  Shannon Bush and Sarah Thomson

Shannon and Sarah are back with another installment of Effortless Business Events take-over of the LOE Podcast, talking on this episode all about your brand voice.

Shannon and Sarah reassure us that we do not have to be singers in our business, to have a consistent and authentic brand voice – but we do need to be aware of what it is, as part of our branding identity. Sarah offers a great example of how tone and voice changes depending on the audience with her academic writing, compared to her less formal, business blogs and presentations – taking into consideration the expectations of the audience, and the goal of the communication. Shannon and Sarah also discuss how our personal brand voice changes when we talk to colleagues, children, and how our brand voice is a reflection of who we are at our most authentic, in slightly different iterations.

Is it time for a Branding Health Check?

Shannon shares how this also applies to employees in your business, or if you have anyone who represents your business in any way and how applying guidelines and boundaries will assist your employees (virtual or otherwise) to ensure that your brand voice is consistent, genuine and authentic.

As always, Shannon and Sarah share their best simple, effortless and practical tips to support your brand voice is consistent, genuine and authentic by asking your target market for their input (and who not to ask for feedback) and knowing what impact you want to have with your brand.

Notable Quotes & Pearls Of Wisdom

“Your tone and voice are what you communicate to your audience that is not the actual words that come out of your mouth.”

“If you’re trying to be something you’re not, you will have to work very hard at it because it’s not your natural style.”

“Your tone and voice must be genuine, consistent and authentic.”

“We underestimate how much things can evolve and change in just six months.”

Connect with Sarah Thomson in these places

Online Social Butterfly

Find out More About Effortless Business Events and the Digital Marketing Event in Perth in October 2018 (early bird tickets on sale until end August only!):

Connect with Shannon in these places

Join the Thriving Entrepreneur Facebook group for women entrepreneurs

Her Facebook business page and on Instagram

Do you have a question or idea for a podcast episode?  Submit your ideas and questions to [email protected]

Find out more about Market To Thrive here.

The post LOE 068 | Creating Brand Voice | EBE Take Over w/ Shannon Bush & Sarah Thomson appeared first on Creative Possibility.