The post LOE 054 | What We Hate About Business Events w/ Shannon Bush & Sarah Thomson | Effortless Business Events Takeover appeared first on Creative Possibility.

Welcome to episode 054 of the Law of Effortlessness Podcast, this time with a twist!

Effortless Business Events is taking over the Law of Effortlessness Podcast and featuring Sarah Thomson from Online Social Butterfly (you might also remember her from episode 051). Shannon and Sarah collaborate together on Effortless Business Events, bringing small business owners in Perth an opportunity to attend quality, content focused marketing and business growth events.

In today’s episode, Shannon and Sarah talk candidly about what they both hate about other business events – what they’ve learned from workshops, conferences and master classes they have both attended over the years and how they’ve used those lessons to create Effortless Business Events and to deliver a quality experience.

Sarah Thomson established Online Social Butterfly in 2011 and offers dynamic online marketing expertise to business owners. Her most popular topics include marketing in the digital age, social media and websites.

Sarah brings with her a 15-year background in corporate marketing, spanning multi-nationals, government, not-for-profit and the small business sector in both Sydney and the UK. Her enthusiasm for the industry is currently propelling her through a Master’s degree in Web Communications.

She also finds time to run a taxi service for her sons, who are both competitive swimmers

Shannon and Sarah talk about their pet peeves with live events from great stories with no practical application, keynote speakers that are inspiring and motivating but lacking action steps, and the bad, spammy sales pitch without offering anything of value – including the time Sarah walked out of a live event.

All these lessons learned have helped Shannon and Sarah to launch and positively influence their collaboration, Effortless Business Events – making the events they offer the kind of event they have wanted to attend themselves.

You’re in for lots of wisdom and insight from these two seasoned business events and learning junkies!

Mentioned Links and Links To Connect

Connect with Sarah via her website here and on Facebook and Instagram here.

Find out more about Effortless Business Events here, like and follow the Facebook Page here.

Connect with Shannon in these places

Join the Thriving Entrepreneur Facebook group for women entrepreneurs

Her Facebook business page and on Instagram

Do you have a question or idea for a podcast episode?  Submit your ideas and questions to [email protected]

Notable Quotes & Pearls Of Wisdom

“Keynote speakers are people who often come with a caveat that they are passionate and excitable, not always practical.”

“Our time is one our most precious resources. If I’ve given you my time, even if it’s a free thing, I have already invested in you.”

“People have paid in their time, money and emotionally – so it’s not OK to do a huge sales pitch from the first minute.”

“If you really own your expertise you don’t need to do a huge sales pitch.”

The post LOE 054 | What We Hate About Business Events w/ Shannon Bush & Sarah Thomson | Effortless Business Events Takeover appeared first on Creative Possibility.