The post LOE 028 – What Are You Celebrating | Business Reality Check | Shannon Bush Solo Show appeared first on Creative Possibility.

In Episode 028 of Law of Effortlessness Podcast, Shannon Bush guides you through the how to of a Business Reality Check. We are now at the end of the first quarter of the year in business and Shannon encourages you to take stock of what’s been working and what hasn’t.

She gives you some insightful tasks on how she does her business reality check so you can try them for yourself.

Shannon asks a very important question: What are you celebrating? It is so important to answer this question for yourself. Take notice of the small things that you can be celebrating. What are you celebrating in your business and in your life right now? Listen in to this solo episode to discover how you can make business easier.

Be open when you listen in to this insightful podcast episode and learn to trust your intuition as a woman. Your intuition is so powerful. Are you ready to step into your power? To become truly fearless?

Mentioned Links and Links To Connect

Join the Thriving Entrepreneur Facebook group for women entrepreneurs

Subscribe to Totally Thriving digital business magazine

Connect with Shannon on her Facebook business page

Connect with Shannon on Instagram

Notable Quotes

“Take the time to review, look at what’s going on and to give yourself the reality check to be honest and open with yourself.”

“Be open to celebrate the things you have actually achieved.”

“Write down a list of the things you are celebrating and are going to celebrate.”

The post LOE 028 – What Are You Celebrating | Business Reality Check | Shannon Bush Solo Show appeared first on Creative Possibility.