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Shape Shifter Alchemist Thrive Factor Archetype

Welcome to Law of Effortlessness Podcast with your Amazon-Best-Selling-Author and #businessyoda in chief, Shannon Bush who today, will introduce you to the Shape Shifter Alchemist Thrive Factor Archetype.

The Shape Shifter Alchemist is a chameleon among the Thrive Factor Archetypes. She’s versatile and able to shift into and out of many things, but this ability comes with challenges! She is a woman of magic and mystery, and while she’s able to go with the flow, she can struggle to know who she is in the world. In the business world she can show many versions of herself, or alternatively in business can sabotage herself and go into hiding. She’s magnetic and fascinating to others, but when the Shape Shifter is uncertain in who she is mistrust can build and be pulled away.

Shannon is talking today to Shape Shifter Alchemist Christina Cabrera from Wisdom of Wealth. Christina first met Liberator Engineer, Visionary Creator, Mediator Diplomat, and Inspirer Believer back in September 2015. Christina shares how she’s somehow able to create magic or something out the ordinary that wows people and leaves them asking, ‘how did you do that?!’ she also shares a deeply hidden part of her that felt she couldn’t say that things came easily to her, and conversely how she easily can sabotage herself especially with technology. You’ll also hear the joy that being a Shape Shifter Alchemist brings in her playfulness, and ability to take easily to the stage.

Kat Blake from Invigorate Natural Therapy joins the conversation with #businessyoda Shannon Bush to talk all about her experiences of discovering her Shape Shifter Alchemist during the course of Shannon’s program Market to Thrive. Kat is also an Inspirer Believer, Liberator Engineer, and an Advocate Rescuer with a sprinkling of the Heroine Adventurer.

Kat and Shannon share the key moment when Kat first recognized the power of her ability to manifest with the ability to manifest things so easily like clients. On the flip side, Kat shares how sensitive the Universe seems to be to her thoughts and actions and what manifests as a result.

Pearls of Wisdom

“Shape Shifters are magnetic and magical, women of mystery and for that reason pull people in. But if uncertain in who she is, she is ungrounded and others a pulled away.” – Shannon Bush

“I can manifest anything I want to.” – Christina Cabrera

“Make friends with your Archetypes and learn to listen to them. They will speak loudly and that’s your queue.” – Christina Cabrera

“It’s not personal when someone reschedules with me, that was a big thing to learn.” – Kat Blake

“Mind your thoughts and what your putting out there because it will manifest” – Kat Blake

Find Out More About The Thrive Factor Book

Connect with Our Shape Shifter Alchemists here

Christina Cabrera’s  Website and Facebook Group

Kate Blake’s Website

Connect with Shannon in these Cool Places

Creative Possibility

Thriving Entrepreneur Circle Facebook group for women in business

The post 091 | Shape Shifter Alchemist | The Thrive Factor Book Series appeared first on Creative Possibility.